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대한민국 '연말정산': 초등생도 알 수 있는 쉬운 개념 설명/South Korea's 'Year-End Settlement' : Easy Concept for Kids

by 나비의 겨울 2023. 11. 28.



안녕하세요, 오늘은 '연말정산'에 대해 이야기해 볼게요. 초등생들도 알 수 있게 아주 쉽게 쉽게 설명해 드릴게요.
Hello, today we're going to talk about 'year-end tax settlement'. I'll explain it very simply so that even elementary school students can understand.



연말정산은 근로자(직장인)들이 매년 12월에 하는 중요한 일이에요. 직장에 다니는 사람들이 돈(월급)을 받을 때, 정부가 '월급'에서 조금씩 가져가는 게 있어요. 이걸 '세금'이라고 하지요.
Year-end tax settlement is an important task that workers (employees) do every December. When people who work at a job receive money (salary), the government takes a little bit from the 'salary'. This is called 'tax'



그런데 정부가 공평하게 세금을 걷기 위해서는, 근로자(직장인)가 월급을 받을 때마다 조금씩 세금을 내게 하거나 그 외의 경우에는, 연말에 모아서 정해진 세금을 내게 해요.
But in order for the government to collect taxes fairly, it either makes workers (employees) pay a little tax each time they receive their salary, or in other cases, they are required to pay the determined taxes altogether at the end of the year.




연말정산을 할 때, 근로자(직장인)들은 자신이 한 해 동안 받은 돈과 다양한 비용을 계산해서 정확한 세금을 계산해야 해요. 그리고 그 돈을 정부에게 내야 해요.
When doing the year-end tax settlement, workers (employees) need to calculate the exact amount of tax by accounting for the money they earned throughout the year and various expenses. And then they have to pay that money to the government



그런데 가끔은 근로자(직장인)가 받은 돈보다 세금을 더 내었거나, 그 반대로 세금을 더 돌려받는 경우도 있어요. 이건 얼마나 세금을 내고 받았는지에 따라 다르지만, 정부가 이 돈을 공정하게 정리하는 거예요.
However, sometimes workers (employees) might have paid more taxes than the money they received, or conversely, they might get more tax refunded. This depends on how much tax they have paid and received, but it's about the government fairly settling these amounts


연말정산을 통해 근로자(직장인)는 정확한 세금을 내고 받아서 정부와 공평하게 돈을 정리하는 거라고 생각하면 돼요.
Through the year-end tax settlement, workers (employees) can think of it as settling money fairly with the government by accurately paying and receiving the right amount of tax.



이해되셨나요, 여러분? 연말정산은 돈과 관련된 중요한 일이지만, 어렵지 않아요. 근로자(직장인)이 돈을 정리하고 세금을 내는 과정 중 하나랍니다.
Did you understand, everyone? Year-end tax settlement is an important task related to money, but it's not difficult. It's one of the processes where workers (employees) settle their finances and pay taxes




또한, 연말정산 시, 공제받지 못한 항목이 있다면 다음 해 5월 중에 종합소득세 신고 기간에 해당하는 세무서에 원천징수 영수증과 증빙서류를 지참하고 추가 신고를 할 수 있어요. 이렇게 추가 신고하면 환급을 받을 수 있답니다.
Also, during the year-end tax settlement, if there are items that were not deducted, you can file an additional report with the relevant tax office during the comprehensive income tax filing period in May of the following year. You should bring your withholding receipt and supporting documents. By filing this additional report, you can receive a refund




자, 그렇다면 이번에는 최종 정산 세액 계산하는 법을 알려 드릴게요.
Alright, now let's talk about how to calculate the final tax amount for the year-end settlement.


총 급여액은 급여액에서 비과세 소득을 뺀 금액으로, 여기서 각종 공제 항목(근로소득, 인적, 연금 보험료, 연금 저축, 신용카드 사용 소득 공제 등)을 차감하여 과세 표준을 계산합니다.
The total salary amount is calculated by subtracting non-taxable income from your salary. From this amount, various deductions (such as earned income, personal, pension insurance premiums, pension savings, and credit card usage income deductions) are subtracted to calculate the taxable base.

이 과세 표준에 기본 세율(9%~36%)을 적용하여 산출 세액을 구합니다.
산출 세액에서 세액 공제(근로소득, 주택 차입금 이자)를 뺀 후, 기존 납부 세액과 가산세를 가감하여 최종적인 정산 세액이 결정됩니다.
Apply the basic tax rate (9% to 36%) to this taxable base to find the calculated tax amount. From the calculated tax amount, subtract tax credits (such as for earned income, housing loan interest) and then adjust with the already paid tax amount and any additional taxes to determine the final settlement tax amount.

총 급여액 = 급여액 - 비과세 소득.
Total Salary Amount = Salary Amount - Non-Taxable Income.

과세 표준 = 총 급여액 - (근로소득 공제 + 인적 공제 + 연금 보험료 공제 + 연금 저축 공제 + 신용카드 사용 소득 공제)
Taxable Base = Total Salary Amount - (Earned Income Deduction + Personal Deduction + Pension Insurance Premium Deduction + Pension Savings Deduction + Credit Card Usage Income Deduction)

산출 세액 = 과세 표준 × 기본 세율 (9%~36%)
Calculated Tax Amount = Taxable Base × Basic Tax Rate (9% to 36%)

최종 정산 세액 = 산출 세액 - 세액 공제 - (기납부 세액 + 가산세)
Final Settlement Tax Amount = Calculated Tax Amount - Tax Credits - (Previously Paid Tax Amount + Additional Taxes)



이렇게 결정된 최종 정산 세액으로 먼저 근로자(직장인)이 냈던 세금과 비교해서
The final settlement tax amount determined in this way is then compared with the taxes previously paid by the worker (employee) to see if...

최종 정산 세액 < 기존 납부 세액이 되면 정부로부터 세금을 돌려받을 수 있게 되는 것이고요,
If the final settlement tax amount < previously paid tax amount, then the employee can receive a tax refund from the government.

최종 정산 세액 >기존 납부 세액이 되면 추가로 세금을 납부해야 하는 것이에요.
If the final settlement tax amount > previously paid tax amount, then the employee needs to pay additional taxes.



자, 이제 연말정산이 무엇인지 정확히 아셨지요?. 그렇다면 다음 포스팅에서는 23년도 달라진 개정 세법을 한번 정리해서 올릴게요. 기대해 주세요^^
Now that you understand what year-end tax settlement is, in the next post, I will summarize and share the revised tax laws for the year 2023. Stay tuned! ^^
